5.- Bruno Latour

Hello everyone, it's me again. Today I'm going to talk to you about Bruno Latour, a French philosopher that I admire very much and who unfortunately died last October 9. Latour is one of the most influential thinkers of the last decades. The field in which he works crosses topics such as political philosophy, anthropology and, especially, ecology. Latour was born in Beaune, France, in 1947. He studied philosophy, then became interested in anthropology. He did his fieldwork in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. He later became interested in the philosophy of science and ecology. Unfortunately, he died on October 9, 2022, from pancreatic cancer. The reason why I admire this thinker is that, since I started studying anthropology (3 years ago) I was always being taught classical anthropological theory, explanations that were situated in contexts very remote from my own. However, when I started reading Latour, I realized how classical discussions can be grounded in a contemporary context, in particular the crisis between the human being and the environment. One of the great themes that Latour discusses is the crisis of naturalistic ontology, that is, the modern notion of culture as a dimension contrary to nature. What Latour proposes is an amalgamation of the social with the natural and how we can think of the cultural phenomenon as a complex network that is articulated with natural and technological elements. Latour questions the notions of science as a presocial truth, arguing that scientific facts are, in fact, social constructions.   

This is Bruno Latour, he looks like a very nice man.

This is the first book I knew of Latour. I have not read the whole book, only some chapters.


  1. Hello Cristobal! I did not know Bruno Latour but the topics he deals with are interesting, especially ecology. He is possibly and amazing person! and I hope to learn more about him very soon.💫🌟

  2. Hi Cristobal, I think he's an amazing person and I should read about him. Sounds interesting. Greetings.

  3. Hi Cristobal!!
    I find it really interesting.
    I'll definitely read it in the summer.

  4. WOW, Latour's thinking is very interesting and I quite agree with him that culture is an amalgam of natural elements and technology. We can never ignore the technological element especially in the times we live in.


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