1.- Who am I?

Hello everyone! My name is Cristóbal Ortega and im 21 years old. I borned in Punta Arenas, Magallanes, the most austral region in the world! Now a days im living in Santiago de Chile because im studing Anthropology, but it is not my first try to studing a carreer. In 2019 i was studing music composition but i had a vocational crisis and i unfortunally leaved. After that i took a merchant seaman course in Valparaíso to work in the austral canals near my city in a turistic company. I worked on that all the second semester of 2019, when i finally decided to study anthropology at the Austral University in Valdivia. The specialty at Austral University was social anthropology, but after a while i decided that i wanted to dedicate myself to archaeology, so i had to switch to "Universidad de Chile" where i am currently studying. About my family, i have a little sister who is 11 years old, i live with my mother and i visit my father frequently. I also have a cat named Miel and two dogs named Flo and Loba. I have a very large family which is a little uncomfortable, but i love them all very much. Almost all my family lives in Punta Arenas except for some who live in Santiago. Punta Arenas is a very beautiful city but it is very cold and windy. I really like to come back to my city, because there is a really good food. For example there is a good restaurant called "kiosko roca" where we eat "choripan" sandwiches and banana milk.

Here you can see a great picture of my dog Flo wearing an adidas sweatshirt.

This is a selfie with my little sister Victoria. 

Here is a photo taken at 4 o'clock in the morning, in one of the work shifts when i was working as a merchant seaman. 

This photo was taken in one of my trips through the "Estrecho de Magallanes". The site is called "Cruz de Froward" and is the most southern point of the American continent. 


  1. Hello Cristóbal! How are you? It is very interesting what you tell in your blog. I would love to visit Punta Arenas, it looks beautiful. I also study anthropology, it is a very nice area of study. Invite me to your house in Punta Arenas hahaha. A hug! bye.

  2. Hello Cristobal, I think it's interesting that you were a merchant seaman at some point, I didn't know anyone who was. Good luck in your life now.

  3. Hi Cristóbal, Flo is very stylish, how old is it?. is very interesting that you have studied musical composition, I was never good playing instruments, what instrument can you play? I hope you are well, bye!

  4. Hi Cristóbal,I have never been to Puntas Arenas but it looks beautiful! and the food is wow! it is very interesting that you studied music composition before.
    I hope you feel comfortable studying in Santiago!

  5. Hi, Cristóbal! I get really impressed with your story, not everyone have the strength to do what you did, I think you are awesome in a lot of forms! I loved Miel btw!


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