
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2022

5.- Bruno Latour

Hello everyone, it's me again. Today I'm going to talk to you about Bruno Latour, a French philosopher that I admire very much and who unfortunately died last October 9. Latour is one of the most influential thinkers of the last decades. The field in which he works crosses topics such as political philosophy, anthropology and, especially, ecology. Latour was born in Beaune, France, in 1947. He studied philosophy, then became interested in anthropology. He did his fieldwork in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. He later became interested in the philosophy of science and ecology. Unfortunately, he died on October 9, 2022, from pancreatic cancer. The reason why I admire this thinker is that, since I started studying anthropology (3 years ago) I was always being taught classical anthropological theory, explanations that were situated in contexts very remote from my own. However, when I started reading Latour, I realized how classical discussions can be grounded in a contemporary context, in par

4.- A food that I really like

Hello everyone, it's me again. Today I'm going to tell you about a food that I like very much: cazuela. The cazuela is a typical plate of Chilean gastronomy and other countries in Latin America. The cazuela is like a soup with beef or chicken broth with vegetables such as pumpkin, stew and potato. I like it with rice. I really like cazuela because it is very tasty and nutritious. Also, my grandmother used to cook it when I was a child, so it brings back a lot of memories. The cazuela is very good for your health, I don't think it has a negative impact. I find it very interesting that cazuela is a dish that brings together very diverse cultural traditions, it represents a syncretism of elements brought from many cultures. I believe that all Chileans have tasted cazuela at some time in their lives, it is one of the most recognized dishes in the country.